A monastery on the way to Thimphu from Paro

March 29, 2010


I see my soul as a tree
Standing tall and strong
Protecting me from the harsh
Elements fighting to come in

My tree will protect me,
Its leaves will keep out the rain
And harsh sunrays,
But will let the moonlight seep through

I gladly welcome the moonlight
Into my new found home
Its silver rays heal my skin
And give life to my soul

My tree equally welcomes in
The beautiful moonlight
For my tree feeds off it
Not the harsh, unforgiving sun

The moon can heal, and bring life
To the darkest corners of the universe
When the sun leaves, abandons hope
The moon is there with an extended hand

The branches will be my shelter
And block the strong wind
The trunk’s heat will keep me warm
It will be the body I can huddle
Up to in the dead of night

I will water this tree with
My tears, I will feed it with
My loneliness. And in turn,
It will grow strong

Stronger than I could ever be
For this tree can soak up my tears,
My pain, my loneliness, my fears
And it will protect me.

It will love me, it will hug me
And sing to me when
I feel like I can’t go on

It will sing me a lullaby,
The one that I have never heard
And soon, its roots will rise
From the earth, and wind its
Way up my legs

The tree will bend over,
And the branches will
Grab hold of my arms
And it will wrap around my chest

It will enclose me, hug me,
Hold me, cradle me
It will protect me and keep me safe

It will guard me against
My deepest fears
It will wake me and hold me
During my worst night mares

And it will be there
When everyone else has left
My tree is my protector,
My guardian angel, my mother
My father, my brother,
My sister, my friend,
My lover, my teacher,
My enemy

My tree is my soul
Forever shall I love it
And forever shall it love me

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