A monastery on the way to Thimphu from Paro

February 25, 2010

You're doing what?!

Have you ever wondered what the hell you are doing with your life? I have. I think about what I'm doing with my life every day. But pondering what my life will be, or what I'm going to do with it, has led me down the wrong path. I should not be focusing on the why's or the how's, I should be focusing on the when. And that is now. There is no better time for me to be living my life. But I don't just want to live my life, I don't want to merely survive. I want to thrive, I want to flourish, I want to be happy.

I have tried to find the key to happiness in this small valley that I reside in; I have succeeded and failed. The happiness, the joy, the love is all there, but it feels impermanent and volatile. Old memories and past actions are weighing me down. So, I plan on leaving the valley to find happiness in far away lands.

February 23, 2010

I want to journey to the foreign lands of Bhutan, immerse myself in the culture of Buddhism, and relax my grip on life. I hope to better understand the philosophy and fully experience the religion. Buddhism has been an interest for me for a little under a year. My knowledge and wisdom in this area is limited. Traveling to Bhutan, living there for a month and studying and meditating at a nunnery will give me the opportunity I need to grasp and appreciate this philosophy.