A monastery on the way to Thimphu from Paro

March 27, 2010

Are you takin or barkin?

One of the stops we made in Thimphu was Deer Park park. Here they kept deer and Takin to prevent extinction. When Karma told me that we were going to see a Takin I thought he was joking. He explained to me that the Takin in the national animal. It is an animal that has the head of a goat and the body of a cow. I thought it sounded that a weird mythical animal and was confused why this was their national animal since it didn't even exist. Diane and I were both shocked when we saw the actual Takin.

Baby Takins

With the takins were baby deer. But they were barking deer. Named such because sometimes they 'bark.' It sounds somewhat like a sick dog who was debarked but still has enough gusto to keep trying. Not very pleasant, but interesting creatures none the less.

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